Sunday, February 1, 2015

As a patron deity to the poor, I give them assistance. I am associated with the swan, for that is my method of travel. I travel from town to town singing songs and so many people associate me with the culture of travelers. I suppose that I'm a bit eccentric as well, with the one shoe thing and all. I enjoy drinking for before my immortality I was a drunkard, and pretty much still am. I have good friends in the Eight Immortals and all who oppose them be my enemy. The symbol of which I use is a most beautiful basket of flowers. Hey, flowers are manly, okay!


  1. It seems that we are both associated with birds. Although mine the Chinese Phoenix and yours is a swan.

    1. I ride upon my swan, do you ride upon your Chinese Phoenix?

  2. Does your basket of flowers have a specific type, or just any kind of flowers? And how did you get immortality?

    1. Mostly chrysanthemums, and I got immortality by washing the sores of an old man, of whom was supposedly Zhong Liquan, he is important and stuff, and I was lifted into heaven on a swan.

  3. What are your opinions on your time on Jackie Chan Adventures? I to was in it and I defeated a wind demon.

  4. We don't speak of the dark ages Zhongli Quan... He Xiangu still has the nightmares.

  5. It seems as if you are a protector of humans, kind of like me. But you specifically help the poor. How exactly do you help the poor? Do you give them money?

  6. How did you get the symbol of a basket of flowers?
